Eric Says Hi

Eric Says Hi@EricSaysHi


2023 episodes (40)

December 13, 2023: Quick Hello
Ep. 59

December 13, 2023: Quick Hello

Time is flying by. Surgery recovery is nearly complete, work has been keeping me busy, and I’ve been having fun recording cooking videos for my YouTube project.

November 30, 2023: Rambling About Creating Video Into Another New Mic
Ep. 58

November 30, 2023: Rambling About Creating Video Into Another New Mic

I’ve begun filming myself cooking for a new YouTube project, and I’ve been slowly exploring what equipment one needs to successfully do that. Not a lot, turns out, but good sound is important so I picked up a wireless lapel mic set for my phone and used it for the first time to record this short episode. Note to self: don’t let your beard rub on it next time.

November 16, 2023: Scheming a New Project While Taking Narcotics
Ep. 57

November 16, 2023: Scheming a New Project While Taking Narcotics

Surgery was a success and recovery is well under way. During my downtime I starting putting serious thought into a new video/cooking project that’s been bouncing around my brain for several months.

November 8, 2023: Reflecting on the Year Already?
Ep. 56

November 8, 2023: Reflecting on the Year Already?

It feels like the year is winding down, and I’ve been reflecting on the effects of ketamine therapy, goals I had set, and preparing for a bit of surgery scheduled for tomorrow.

October 24, 2023: Let The Wild Rumpus Begin!
Ep. 55

October 24, 2023: Let The Wild Rumpus Begin!

My favorite Athens event is this weekend. The Wild Rumpus, where thousands of creative costumed people take over the streets of downtown Athens, is here! I’ve been cutting, bending, and hot gluing cardboard all week.

October 2, 2023: The Virgo Month of Leisure Was Good to Me
Ep. 53

October 2, 2023: The Virgo Month of Leisure Was Good to Me

I made it through the whole month trying hard not to do things that felt like work (other than my actual work). Things like figuring out why my microphone wasn’t working, for example. But now it’s October and there are things that need doing, so I started by digging out my backup mic so I could say hi.

September 1, 2023: Virgo Month of Leisure
Ep. 51

September 1, 2023: Virgo Month of Leisure

Each year, I try to spend the month of September doing not much of anything productive. Most years I don’t quite succeed, but this year is looking good.

July 21, 2023: Big Ol' Storm
Ep. 45

July 21, 2023: Big Ol' Storm

Had a surprise storm blow through town last night and preliminary reports look like a funnel formed over my neighborhood and really tore things up as it moved through. All’s well here, but there’s lots of cleanup to be done in Athens.

July 18, 2023: Four Days on the Sea Islands
Ep. 44

July 18, 2023: Four Days on the Sea Islands

Took advantage of a slow time at work to disconnect and take the kids to explore the geography, people, and history of the Low Country. We did an awful lot in four days, but mostly we ate seafood.

July 12, 2023: Work Transitions
Ep. 43

July 12, 2023: Work Transitions

As a consultant, my work engagements are always short-lived. It’s both a good and bad thing about the job. Now, one project has ended and I’m catching up on odds and ends before starting another.

July 11, 2023: Feed the Squirrels Tuppence a Bag
Ep. 42

July 11, 2023: Feed the Squirrels Tuppence a Bag

I got one of those smart bird feeders last year and I love all the bird photos but the squirrels tried to eat it. Not the birdseed but the feeder itself. I spent some of my sick days splicing cables and replacing parts and now all is well.

July 6, 2023: Healthy
Ep. 41

July 6, 2023: Healthy

Covid finally caught me and I had to stop doing lots of things I enjoyed for a while, including recording this very podcast. But I’m back at it. Hi!

April 20, 2023: Experimental Baking
Ep. 40

April 20, 2023: Experimental Baking

I’ve got dough living in my fridge. I keep pulling chunks out and seeing what sorts of things I can make with it, and it has yet to let me down.

April 4, 2023: North Florida Fossils
Ep. 38

April 4, 2023: North Florida Fossils

Spent several days in North Florida and had a surprisingly good time, including picking pristine fossils up right off the ground.

March 24, 2023: Sleep's A Crutch
Ep. 36

March 24, 2023: Sleep's A Crutch

I got too much money back on my tax return, and now there’s an espresso machine in the kitchen. Also, I’m extra twitchy for some reason.

February 3, 2023: Glue Some Gears On the Weekend
Ep. 29

February 3, 2023: Glue Some Gears On the Weekend

So much going on at work this weekend, but I’m able to pause for the weekend and glue some gears on things to prepare for the upcoming Atlanta Steampunk Exposition