May 13, 2024: Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country?
The aurora came down to Georgia. How about that.
The aurora came down to Georgia. How about that.
Oh hey – I remembered to open garageband and talk for a few minutes before I was in bed and about to fall asleep! Hi! How are you? Today I briefly talk about driving to Missouri for the eclipse.
I walk along a short in-town greenway trail. Someone has installed a giant wind chime atop a huge tree, and it can be heard throughout the neighborhood. I talk steampunk and nerdy cooking.
The days have been cold and wet and dark and have sort of rolled one onto the next. But I have been doing things and have even left the house on occasion, like to go to a Tiki convention. And my new gaming group meets up this weekend for our first Gloomhaven session.
I take a pre-Christmas walk through the neighborhood and talk about local geography and soliciting friends to play board games with me.